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4月 23 2020



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其中之一 Raramuri 家庭从集水项目中受益.

获得水是一项基本人权, 威尼斯电玩城手游大多数人都认为这是理所当然的, 然而, 对于墨西哥北部的土著社区来说,情况并非如此.

Providing drinking water to these communities in the mountain region of 吉娃娃 has been a dire challenge for many decades. The extreme temperatures – reaching up to 40°C (104°F) in summer – and the desert conditions of the area cause severe droughts across that state every year. These conditions are exacerbated by the lack of infrastructure to supply water to smaller communities affected by shortages.

塔拉乌马拉家族,或者 Raramuris, 就像他们的语言一样, are 土著 people who live among the canyons and mountains of the State of 吉娃娃. 他们依靠降雨来获得所需的水, 如果没有人来, 他们必须踏上超过15公里(9英里)的长途跋涉.)穿越崎岖的地形,到达至关重要的资源.

It is precisely in the Tarahumara’s land where several sections of our 560-kilometre-long (348 mi.) 埃尔恩西诺-托波奥巴马波天然气管道 cross and directly impact and influence the communities affected by these water shortages.



参加完培训课程后, people participate in the installation of a water harvesting system in Mogótavo, 吉娃娃.

致力于威尼斯电玩城手游所居住的强大社区的发展, 工作和操作, TC Energía and the State of 吉娃娃 signed an agreement in 2018 to develop a program for the construction of 1,830 harvesting water systems and 35 systems for water collection through a joint investment of $58.100万比索(4美元).100万加元,2美元.8 m美元). 这个项目将在2,450个土著家庭和9个,目前无法获得正常饮用水的000人.

Our company aims to make a positive impact in the communities where we live and work. We hope that the rainwater harvesting program will be a life-changing initiative that will benefit the Raramuri community and will reinforce our relationship with them.”


The implementation phase began in 2019 when civil society organizations began providing all the technical support and training the Raramuri communities needed to install the water systems. These organizations have been working in those communities for several years and have developed their own models for engaging with indigenous communities, 尊重社区的意识形态, 文化和传统.

“通过与州政府制定这些联合倡议, TC Energía reinforces the way we build strong relationships with local stakeholders while keeping our company values and corporate responsibility standards at the core.”, said Carlos Borunda, Stakeholder and Government Relations Director at TC Energía.

到节目结束时, 拉穆里家族不仅可以获得水, 同时也大大提高了自己的生活质量. The expectation is that this program will contribute to a decrease the number of diseases caused by the consumption of contaminated water and provide positive life-changing infrastructure for these communities.

奇瓦瓦州州长哈维尔·科拉尔说: “We thank TC Energía for the social investment made around the Topolobampo pipeline that it is so important for our State. We are implementing an integral project for the recovery of the indigenous communities that is our priority in the mountain range zone of 吉娃娃.”

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